There are thousands of suggestions on how to efficiently clean your house from products to equipment. Where to store your products. Work top to bottom and so forth. Google and figure out what works best for you. Here are my tips that you can add to those. I am a bit OCD and like my house clean and organized. And I actually do like cleaning. It’s relaxing for me. However, cleaning the entire house is daunting and spring cleaning can be overwhelming. A big job. With three active children we found it best, ok I found it best, to all pitch in together on a weekend or afternoon when we had some time to do this together. The faster and better it was done the more time for fun. If the kids did not do a good job mom did not redo it. The child had to. The children learned quickly to do it well the first time. Hopefully they learned both teamwork and efficiency. Times change and as empty nesters we do not make as big a mess as with all the children. We know how to clean up after ourselves. It is amazing when we return home from work everything is just where we left it. I started to clean as needed or a small section here and there that takes about 15 min. With only two people and a couple of beasties (two dogs) we don’t find we need to clean everything like we used to. I can clean the bathroom in 15 min. I can clean the kitchen in 15 min. For example, cleaning up after a meal. Instead of cleaning just the affected spots on the counter; clean the entire countertop, stove, microwave, sink, table and appliances. Tomorrow sweep and mop the floor. Kitchen done! The house appears to be constantly clean and does not seem burdensome. More cleaning tips to come.
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