Waiting! I hate waiting and losing more patients as I get older. Thought we were supposed to gain patients. Well kind of like Habit Staking there are things you can do while waiting. And just think if you get these tasks done during empty non planned times you will have more time later for fun. I find it frustrating when driving to run into a long stop light or traffic jam. You can organize your purse or backpack. Have a small bag for garbage and clean around you. Organize the glove box. Have wipes in the car and clean dash console and steering wheel. Make a needed phone call. Whatever you do just keep your eyes out for the break in traffic or green light so no one hanks at you for wasting more of their time and be safe. While getting gas clean your windows even the inside if you have time. Even if it is just one. Check emails. Send that text or quick phone call. Write notes or grocery list. Play that game. You can do the same when waiting in line at store, for the elevator, for a show to start, or whenever you find yourself waiting.
Along the same line waiting let us say you are 5, 10, 15 minutes early getting ready to go somewhere. Don’t just sit there waiting. Answer an email, throw a load of laundry in the wash, pick up the toys in the living room, empty dishwasher, pay a bill. Imagine now when you get home a small piece of that bigger project is done.